Advocacy in Action: Supreme Court Ethics

On this episode, we present another edition of advocacy in action focusing on the work our colleagues at Alliance for Justice are tackling around Supreme Court ethics. This has been a topic we’ve championed for decades, but recent events have underscored how important a topic it continues to be. We’re happy to have a special guest to guide us through the ins and outs of the topic, AFJ and AFJ Action President Rakim Brooks. 


Lawyers for this Episode

Leslie Barnes

Rakim Brooks

Tim Mooney



A SCOTUS Code of Ethics

·      Why doesn’t the Supreme Court have an ethical code like other entities?

·      How would an ethics code address recent troubling developments like Justice Alito leaking the Hobby Lobby opinion, or determining how Justice Thomas could sit for cases involving the insurrection given his wife’s role in January 6th?

·      Is an externally enforce code better than the proposed internally enforced code the Court has considered?

·      What is AFJ’s position?


Congressional Oversight

·      Legislative committees overseeing SCOTUS

·      Likelihood of legislation

·      How advocacy on this subject is impacted by the rules

·      Impeachment as an option in certain cases


Ethics and the Bigger Picture

·      Ethics and recent erosion of fundamental rights and politicization of SCOTUS

·      Progressive Constitutionalism



Supreme Court justices discussed, but did not agree on, code of conduct, Washington Post (February 9, 2023). 

Supreme Court Weighs Ethics Code as Critics Push for Change, New York Times (February 9, 2023). 

AFJ Letter to House Judiciary Committee  

The Pedalshift Project 313: Florida 2023 – Day 2

It’s my annual winter ride in Florida! The first day’s headwinds abated overnight, but the threat of rain hung over my ride. Would I have to bail out on the short version, or would my energy and dry conditions allow for testing the newer, way more fun route?

Hey it’s the direct download link for  The Pedalshift Project 313: Florida 2023 – Day 2 (mp3).

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

Florida 2023 – Day 2


Chicken encounters 2
Day old sandwiches eaten 1/2 (I finished the other half the next day -wasn’t bad!)
Gallons of water wasted by that dumb developer – seriously, hundreds of thousands. It was gross.
55+ resorts soon to gate off my route 1
New roads that will be better anyways 1
Disney World No Trespassing signs I leaned my bike against for a pic 1
Pineapple celebration drinks imbibed at the end 1
Miles biked 55
Flats 0

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new track available NOW, and a new album dropping very soon AND Jason’s first solo album is now streaming on Spotify, including America, the Pedalshift theme. Go listen! 

The post The Pedalshift Project 313: Florida 2023 – Day 2 appeared first on Pedalshift.

The Pedalshift Project 312: Florida 2023 – Day 1

It’s my annual winter ride in Florida, but things turned out a little differently this year. Day 1 featured a massive headwind that whittled down my energy and made for, um, challenging audio conditions. It was only 40 miles, but would the wind prevail?

The Pedalshift Project 312: Florida 2023 - Day 1

Hey it’s the direct download link for  The Pedalshift Project 312: Florida 2023 – Day 1 (mp3).

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

Florida 2023 – Day 1

Folks, I ended up having to toss about 30 minutes of witty banter and ride info because the headwinds from Tampa to Lakeland were simply brutal. I used a dedicated recorder with a “dead cat” lavalier microphone and the winds still managed to cut through.
Some of what you hear won’t sound great, but the vast majority is understandable. I solved the problem for next week’s episode so you only have to put up with it for a week.
But this was a really fun ride and I can’t wait for you to listen… so… off we go!


Average wind sustained headwind speed 20 mph
Average speed 8.3 mph
Cortados in Ybor City 1
Number of times I committed Carny ride slander that was lost to the headwinds in Plant City minimum of 9 times
Coke floats that rescued my energy 0
Separately purchased Coke and ice cream that rescued my energy 1 each
Miles biked 41
Flats 0

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new track available NOW, and a new album dropping very soon AND Jason’s first solo album is now streaming on Spotify, including America, the Pedalshift theme. Go listen! 

The post The Pedalshift Project 312: Florida 2023 – Day 1 appeared first on Pedalshift.

Advocacy by Private Foundations

We’ve talked about how private foundations can fund advocacy, but we are frequently asked what they can do themselves to push for policy change in the communities they serve. On this episode, we cover the do’s and don’ts of private foundation advocacy.


Attorneys for this episode

Tim Mooney

Natalie Ossenfort

Quyen Tu



We’ll get to the do’s in a bit, but first the don’ts – don’t support or oppose candidates for public office and don’t engage in any activity that meets the definition of lobbying.

  • IRS rules – 501(h) definitions apply (direct & grassroots lobbying)
  • Any expenditure that meets the definition (paid staff or earmarked grant)
  • Consequence – excise taxes
    • 20% of the amount spent is assessed on the foundation
    • 5% of the amount expended (up to a maximum of $10,000 for a single expenditure) is assessed on a foundation manager if they “knowingly, willfully and without reasonable cause” agreed to the lobbying expenditure
  • There are plenty of things private foundations can do that are similar to lobbying or excepted from lobbying – it’s not worth getting the excise tax!


The do’s – options for private foundations

  • Non-lobbying advocacy
    • Activity that does not have all of the elements of either direct or grassroots lobbying within the 501(h) definitions
    • Meeting with legislators? Don’t advocate for specific legislation. Instead, speak about the issues within your portfolio broadly, and to the successes your funding has had. If asked what your stance is on a pending bill, do not answer (“It’s a trap!”) because that becomes direct lobbying.
    • Communicating with the public? Here you can boldly promote your stance on legislation so long as you don’t include a call to action, urging the public to contact legislators. This is a very underutilized option!
    • Ballot measures? Remember advocacy on these is direct lobbying so it’s best to avoid advocating on these as a private foundation. Educating without urging a vote one way or another avoids the excise tax.
    • Other forms of nonlobbying advocacy
      • Regulatory advocacy
      • Advocacy before special purpose boards (i.e. school boards, water districts, etc.)
      • Convening decisionmakers to discuss a policy topic
      • Sign onto an amicus brief or otherwise participate in litigation
      • Education campaigns
    • Lobbying exceptions
      • Nonpartisan Analysis, Study or Research
        • Content: full and fair analysis
        • Distribution: broad public distribution and/or to government officials or employees
        • Can take a stance on legislation
        • Often print reports, but don’t have to be
        • Watch out for subsequent use rule
        • Earmarking a grant for this is also not lobbying
        • Annie E. Casey Foundation uses this exception a lot. Examples include advocating for expanding the Child Tax Credit, policy proposals (some that would require legislation) around student debt. They also earmark funds for reports done by grantees that fit in this exception, which is effectively the same as doing it themself.
        • Missouri Foundation for Health is kind of a bank shot example because technically it is a (c)(4) but because of a court settlement agreement going back to the tobacco litigation, it operates under private foundation rules. It commissioned a series of studiesand came out strongly in favor of Medicaid expansion in MO as a part of it. This all snugly fits in the exception.
        • Last example comes from DC and the Bainum Family Foundation. It commissioned a reportto document the shortage of high quality subsidized child care for those under 3 in lower income communities of Wards 7 and 8 of DC. The report was the basis of an entire campaign to advocate for a change in laws before the DC Council (which was successful!).
      • Requests for Technical Assistance
        • Providing information to legislative committees when invited is not lobbying
        • Must be invited in writing
        • Must be invited by the chair of the committee, subcommittee, or body
      • Self-Defense
        • Narrow exception – if there’s a pending bill that would impact the rights or responsibilities of private foundations, lobbying for or against the bill doesn’t count.
      • Examinations and Discussions of Broad Social, Economic and Similar Problems
        • Taking a stance on the general subject of legislation, without taking a stance on any legislation itself is not lobbying
        • This is a bit of a tightrope (remember our “it’s a trap!” example)



Lobbying Defined for Private Foundations

Private Foundations May Advocate

Be Bold and Advocate Rules for Foundations Engaging in Advocacy in TX

Philanthropy Advocacy Playbook


Best of Pedalshift 028: DC to Boston Transit-Aided Tour – Part 1

Part one of three in a best of covering Pedalshift Tour Journals Vol. 4 – the mostly transit and smattering of very important folding bike tour from DC to Boston. In this episode we cover the idea, the arbitrary set of rules and my mindset going into this stunt… err, tour.
Originally podcast August 20, 2015

Best of Pedalshift 028: DC to Boston Transit-Aided Tour – Part 1

The post Best of Pedalshift 028: DC to Boston Transit-Aided Tour – Part 1 appeared first on Pedalshift.

The Pedalshift Project 311: Florida 2023 Tour Preview

It’s about as close as we get to an annual tradition around here – the winter tour in central Florida! How is this year the same and how are we mixing things up? In this episode, we preview the 2023 Florida tour!

The Pedalshift Project 311: Florida 2023 Tour Preview

Hey it’s the direct download link for  The Pedalshift Project 311: Florida 2023 Tour Preview (mp3).

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

Florida 2023 Tour Preview

“Sure it’s the same route, but is it?”
Tampa to Lakeland to Disney World, sure but it’s refined!
Improved route on day 1 – optimising better route from TPA to MLK Blvd (avoiding waterfront this time)
Brought my route north of downtown this year to avoid weekend activities intervening like last year’s marathon
A morning coffee and breakfast in Ybor CIty, the Cuban and Latin American-influenced part of Tampa
Different hotel in Lakeland this year to have me closer to a local dining option rather than gas station cuisine
Day 2 features another ride into WDW, with the option of the longer route to the north entrance – more to come on that, and it would be my preferred option pending time (short days) and energy

I briefly considered the Safari and stealth camping near the Van Fleet trail but decided against it… FL wildlife is just too much of a question mark
Also it’s much more logisitically to haul. May scope out to see if stealth hammock camping would be an option this trip.
Brompton it is… credit card touring it is
Sidebar – my Brompton is over at BicycleSpace (my DC LBS) and let’s just say I’ve ridden down the original drivetrain components to the point that it needed quite the overhaul. But… it’ll be ready by the time you hear this for 2024 adventures (thank you Pedalshift Society and anonymous donors for your help on that!)
May consider doing the older backpack version to eliminate the need for the duffle? More carrying capacity, but likely wouldn’t use it.
If so I might consider an expanded cockpit option with the luggage block being freed up
Or… may stick with single pannier plus drybag on rack.
SIDEBAR 2 – I got new Ortlieb backrollers, but orange is no longer an option so I went with blue, which was the most stealth-friendly-ish option. I’m probably going to make the orange ones full time Brompton ones so end of an era, but not really?

Last year was sunny and flirted with hot. Will be more prepared this year to cover up and have sunscreen in hand before day 1.
However, we saw some truly cold temps during the late year storms in 22 so it’s always possible this ends up being a cool to cold ride… will know more about 10 days out and can bank on things about 3 days out.

Things I want to do
Ybor City – every time I go through there I feel like I need to make miles. This time, I’m stopping.
Dinner at a more “Florida” option in Lakeland
Get a victory drink (to break Dryuary Part 1) at the Coronado or Polynesian Resort
Keep my caloric party within reason

Things I don’t want to do
Run into 10ks
Lose my ID
Get sunburn or otherwise too much sun
Have a Brompton mechanical… there are very few options in central FL!

First entry of the tour journal is in two weeks! Next week’s best of is the start of a multipart adventure highlighting my DC to Boston using (mostly) transit and a little bit of (very critical) folding biking!

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new track available NOW, and a new album dropping very soon AND Jason’s first solo album is now streaming on Spotify, including America, the Pedalshift theme. Go listen! 

The post The Pedalshift Project 311: Florida 2023 Tour Preview appeared first on Pedalshift.

Influencing Budget Legislation

On this episode we dive into ways your organization can weigh in on government budgets and legislation, bringing needed change to your communities. Whether you focus on housing, health care, the environment, education, public safety, civil rights, or virtually any nonprofit activity is impacted by the government budget. There are many opportunities for nonprofits to educate policymakers and the public alike about the critical impact government funding plays in people’s lives. Today, we’ll discuss how nonprofits can influence the budget process and more. 


Attorneys for the show

Victor Rivera

Leslie Barnes

Tim Mooney 


  • Nonprofits Can Influence the Budget Process  
    • Government budgets counts as specific legislation 
    • Most but not all budget work counts as lobbying 
    • Public charities can lobby 
    • 501(c)(4)s, 501(c)(5), and 501(c)(6) do not have a federal lobbying limit 
    • Private foundations cannot earmark funds for lobbying but can fund grantees that lobby and engage in non-lobbying advocacy 
  • The budget process starts   
    • President presents budget in February (see federal timeline in resources) 
    • Each state’s budget process is different 
    • Ex – TX legislature meets only every 2 years, working on state budget in 2023 
    • Bills go through a committee process, opportunity for public input 
    • Before that, there is opportunity to influence the draft budget 
    • Opportunity to influence the budget at many stages 
    • Influencing the administrative agencies on what to include in their budget request may be lobbying – do it, track it! 
    • Working to implement how money is allocated after budget is enacted is generally NOT lobbying for IRS purposes. Beware state lobbying registration and reporting 
  • Ways to impact the budget process  
    • Attend public hearings – inform public about when public hearings occur  
    • Direct Lobbying 
    • Grassroots Lobbying  
    • Educating the public using Nonpartisan Analysis Study and Research  
    • Educating the public – no call to action, not lobbying 
  • Lobbying disclosure  
    • Fed, States and some municipalities regulate when nonprofits and employees must register as a lobbyist 
    • Bolder Advocacy has resources on state lobbying registration/reporting 
    • Determine state lobbying threshold for nonprofit and employees 
    • Track and report activities to state regulators 


Nonprofits Can Influence the Budget Process 

Administrative Advocacy  

State Law Resources: Practical Guidance Series – What Nonprofits Need to Know about Lobbying in Your State 

Federal Budget Timeline 



The Pedalshift Project 310: Offseason Training for Bike Touring

You know you’ve got a bike tour coming up this year, so you want to make sure you’re ready for it. What are some things to do to make that easier in the bike touring offseason? On this episode, some insight into my plans this offseason plus tips from ACA, REI and other experts!

Hey it’s the direct download link for  The Pedalshift Project 310: Offseason Training for Bike Touring (mp3).

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

Offseason Training for Bike Touring

Covered this a bit in Pedalshift 158
Quick review of training philosophies
  • Train like hell vs.
  • Ride your way to touring shape vs.
  • Somewhere in the middle
This winter I’m going to try to do a few things in prep for my winter tour (preview coming next episode!)
Goal 1 – lose 10 pounds from 1/1 to day 1 of tour (stretch goal 12)
Goal 2 – Train a minimum of 30 minutes per day 3 days/week (indoor or outdoor)
Goal 3 – Plan and begin upper body and/or circuit training
My shifting philosophy on training – easier to just jump on the bike when you’re younger and fitter!
Other/more aggressive philosophies: – riding average daily distance several times per week well in advance of the tour (IMO this is total overkill)
ACA – Focus on time in the saddle first, seek hills, build endurance, ride with weight (VERY smart)
REI – sample training week with fantastic exercise routines, with focus on flexibility. Much more in the train like hell philosophy but excellent things to consider adding to a “somewhere in the middle” routine.

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new track available NOW, and a new album dropping very soon AND Jason’s first solo album is now streaming on Spotify, including America, the Pedalshift theme. Go listen! 

The post The Pedalshift Project 310: Offseason Training for Bike Touring appeared first on Pedalshift.

The Pedalshift Project 309: Bike Touring Goals for 2023

A new year means new bike touring goals! On this episode I share my goals for 2023 including health and fitness, the kinds and number of tours and more.

The Pedalshift Project 309: Bike Touring Goals for 2023

Hey it’s the direct download link for  The Pedalshift Project 309: Bike Touring Goals for 2023 (mp3).

Subscribe/Follow The Pedalshift Project:
RSSiTunes – Overcast – Android – Google Podcasts – StitcherTuneIn – IHeartRadio – Spotify

Reach out to the show via email, Twitter and Instagram. Don’t forget to join the newsletter too.

Have some bike touring or overnight stories to share? Send your pics, audio or a quick tweet – all welcome. Email the show at or call the lightly-used Pedalshift voicemail line at (202) 930-1109

Bike Touring Goals for 2023

  • Drop the weight
  • Weigh in at least every other day all year (unless traveling) and set a back on the wagon number
  • Fitness center plan
  • Dry  January Feb
  • 5 multi day tours in 2023
  • At least one 7+ day tour
  • At least one fully new-to-me trail or route
  • Cross a new state by bike
Whacky things
  • A  heavily transit aided tour
  • A microcamper aided tour

As always we like to close out the show with a special shoutout to the Pedalshift Society! Because of support from listeners like you, Pedalshift is a weekly bicycle touring podcast with a global community, expanding into live shows and covering new tours like this summer’s upcoming bike tour! If you like what you hear, you can support the show for 5 bucks, 2 bucks or even a buck a month. And there’s one-shot and annual options if you’re not into the small monthly thing. Check it all out at

Kimberly Wilson
Caleb Jenkinson
Cameron Lien
Andrew MacGregor
Michael Hart
Keith Nagel
Brock Dittus
Thomas Skadow
Marco Lo
Terrance Manson
Harry Telgadas
Chris Barron
Mark Van Raam
Brad Hipwell
Mr. T
Nathan Poulton
Stephen Dickerson
Vince LoGreco
Cody Floerchinger
Tom Benenati
Greg Braithwaite
Sandy Pizzio
Jeff Muster
Seth Pollack
Joseph Quinn
Drue Porter
Byron Paterson
Joachim Raber
Ray Jackson
Jeff Frey
Kenny Mikey
Lisa Hart
John Denkler
Steve Hankel
Miguel Quinones
Alejandro Avilés-Reyes
Keith Spangler
Greg Towner
Dan Gebhart, RIP
Jody Dzuranin
Lucas Barwick
Michael Baker
Brian Bechtol
Reinhart Bigl
Greg Middlemis
Connie Moore
William Gothmann
Brian Benton
Joan Churchill
Mike Bender
Rick Weinberg
Billy Crafton
Gary Matushak
Greg L’Etoile-Lopes
James Sloan
Jonathan Dillard
John Funk
Tom Bilcze
Ronald Piroli
Dave Roll
Brian Hafner
Misha LeBlanc
Ari Messinger
David Gratke
Todd Groesbeck
Wally Estrella
Sue Reinert
John Leko
Stephen Granata
Phillip Mueller
Robert Lackey
Dominic Carol
Jacqi McCulloch
John Hickman
Carl Presseault
David Neves
Patty Louise
Terry Fitzgerald
Peter Steinmetz
Timothy Fitzpatrick
Michael Liszewski
Hank O’Donnell
David Zanoni
David Weil
Matthew Sponseller
Chad Reno
Spartan Dale
Carolyn Ferguson
Peggy Littlefield
Lauren Allansmith
Eric Burns
Thomas Pearl
Darrin McKibben
Richard Stewart
Dave Fletcher
Jack Smith
Luke Parkinson
Ryan Patterson
Cyrus Farivar
John Gardiner
Sam Scruggs


You’ve been hearing about Jason Kent and his music for many fine episodes. Jason has a new track available NOW, and a new album dropping very soon AND Jason’s first solo album is now streaming on Spotify, including America, the Pedalshift theme. Go listen! 

The post The Pedalshift Project 309: Bike Touring Goals for 2023 appeared first on Pedalshift.