Stinkbugs are the devil. I’m on record. Not here, but trust me… I am a well-known hater of stinkbugs. Every year they swarm my cabin and I have had to resort to using an awful poison to keep them at bay because *nothing else works* and they have no predators to champion here in the US. Apparently there’s some asian wasp or something. I may resort to breeding them. Or inventing nanobots that destroy them all. But I digress.
I thought we got away from them, but while in Pittsburgh for the Tour, they swarmed on poor Lillie as she sat in the parking lot. I found an invader inside tonight, and I just know more got in. They shall not survive. That’s all I’m saying. Namaste to everything except them.
If you are in Chicagoland, you absolutely must visit the Indiana Dunes. We had an amazing time there punctuated by beautiful sites, an awesome campground within walking distance from the South Shore line that takes you right into Chicago (!) AND a visit from an old high school friend who got there on said train. Totally great. Recommended.

And for those of you gas mileage nerds out there… Lillie keeps improving, or I’m learning how to draft semis better. Latest tank shows a .2 MPG improvement! Read it and weep Chevron and BP… this tour just got slightly more efficient!
Listened to the latest Sprocket Podcast (please do the same… they rock) and heard more about people who are building bike RVs. I’ve enjoyed the RV camping experience, but I really lament the amount of fuel we burn. I ran into a guy who shot a video of someone who built – for lack of a better way of saying it – an Airstream-inspired bike RV that he was towing around North America. Let’s just say this is all conspiring to become a winter project. I found this Bike RV project as well… needless to say I’m intrigued. More to come.