Category: Uncategorized

International Advocacy

As the world absorbs the news out of Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Myanmar, & the world over, we wanted to devote this episode to the actions nonprofits can take to support international relief efforts and international advocacy. This episode is for foundations and nonprofits working domestically and abroad to deliver equitable relief and advocacy. 

It’s our 50th episode! Thanks for listening and keep sharing with your colleagues that might be interested in what we do around here. 

  • Lobbying definitions include international bodies 
  • International advocacy that doesn’t (usually) count 
  • International lobbying registration and solicitation registration may be necessary 
  • Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) 




Building the Bench

On this episode, we continue our ongoing series on advocacy in action turning to efforts to increase diversity in the federal courts and beyond. With the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings beginning this week on the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to become the next Justice of the Supreme Court, we spoke with two experienced and accomplished attorneys who speak to the importance of the nomination and what that means for Black women, the judiciary, and efforts like Alliance for Justice’s Building the Bench program. 

Attorneys for this episode 

Kimberly Humphrey  Natalie Ossenfort  Tim Mooney 


  • Introducing Kimberly Humphrey 
  • Why this topic is important and timely and a brief intro to our Building the bench efforts 
  • Introducing our guests 
  • Thoughts on lack of representation in the legal profession 
    • The landscape 
    • The courts specifically 
  • Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination 
  • AFJ/Building the Bench 
  • Other efforts 
  • Concluding thoughts 
  • Links to full interviews 


Funding 501(c)(4)s

On this episode, we’ll tackle a question we receive regularly: What can we do to raise funds for our 501(c)(4)? 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations are tax exempt, but they do not receive tax deductible contributions. While this may sometimes seem like a barrier to fundraising, we come to you today bearing excellent news. There are several ways to effectively secure funding for 501(c)(4) activities.  

Our Attorneys for this Episode  

Natalie Ossenfort Tim Mooney   


Show Notes 

  • Refresher on social welfare organizations 
  • Several sources of funding for 501(c)(4)s 
    • Individuals 
    • Community Foundations and other Public Charities 
    • Private Foundations (must use expenditure responsibility otherwise it’s a taxable expenditure) 
      • A pre-grant inquiry 
      • A written grant agreement specifying the purpose of the grant and including certain terms 
      • Reports from the Grantee
      • Report the grant on the grantor’s 990-PF 


Investing in Change: A Funder’s Guide to Supporting Advocacy  

How to Fund a 501(c)(4): What nonprofits and foundations need to know  

Ask Us Anything

On this episode, we once again turn to your questions on nonprofit advocacy with another edition of Ask Us Anything. We’ll cover topics like litigation, lobbying grants, state PACs connected to (c)(3)s and more! 

Attorneys for this Podcast 

Natalie Ossenfort 

Leslie Barnes 

Tim Mooney 



You often mention litigation as something nonprofits can do. What are some examples? 

Someone sent us an email asking us for our last two 990s. Can we just direct them to the IRS site? The one we just filed isn’t up there yet – is it ok for us to tell the person they’ll have to wait til it processes? 

Can we make a lobbying grant from a c3 to a c4 before we file before we file our 2021 Form 990 this May and have it count as a 2021 expenditure? 

We spoke with lawyers who were concerned about us forming a state PAC connected to our c3. The PAC will exclusively work on an upcoming statewide ballot question. They think we need to form a c4 or the c3 could risk its tax status. Is that right? 

We want to purchase cable tv ads telling people to contact both our Senators to support President Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court. The thing is, our primaries are really early, and one Senator has a challenger. We’d like to do this out of our c3 but aren’t sure if that’s ok… 

Our executive director is running for school board. Can our c3 staff volunteer for the campaign? What are best practices for staff running for office? 


Maximize Your Advocacy 

Give Me Your 990! 

8 Tips for Nonprofits with Employees Running for Public Office 

Who is a Candidate?

On this episode, we’re taking a deep dive into election season advocacy rules. While you already know from previous episodes that 501(c)(3) public charities are not allowed to support or oppose candidates for public office, you may not know how the tax code defines a “candidate” and which public offices could trigger tax code electioneering rules.  


Our Attorneys for this Episode   

Leslie Barnes   Jen Powis  Quyen Tu 


Show Notes 

  • Who is a candidate? 
  • What is a public office? 
  • Holding elected officials accountable doesn’t always have to end when they “declare candidacy” 
  • Who is NOT a candidate? 




Supreme Court Nomination Advocacy Revisited

On this special episode… we revisit how nonprofits can make their voice heard when there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court or any appointed judicial seat.  


Our attorneys for this episode 


Tim Mooney 

Natalie Ossenfort 

Quyen Tu 


Opening Thoughts 


After the announcement that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer will retire pending confirmation of his successor, groups are gearing up to influence President Biden’s nomination and the Senate confirmation vote. But before we talk about our advocacy and the rules of the game for advocacy in this area, we wanted to share the statement of AFJ President Rakim Brooks on Justice Breyer: 


Justice Breyer has always been one of the most active members of the bench — drawing as many laughs as any justice in recent history. His jurisprudence, however, has had the quiet dignity of a justice who understood that the proper role of the Court is to defer to the people and their elected representatives to decide our democracy’s most important questions. Time and time again, he has stood up against the wealthy and powerful to protect the fundamental rights and legal protections of millions of Americans.   


Read more from the AFJ statement 



  • Work supporting or opposing a judicial nomination like SCOTUS counts as lobbying.  
  • When does the meter start running for 501(c)(3) public charities?  
  • Types of lobbying 
  • Do nonprofits have to worry about the rules around elections? 
  • AFJ and AFJ Action’s advocacy 



Bolder Advocacy’s TA hotline: 866-NP-LOBBY 

Email us at  

Our website is   


Form 990 for 501(c)(4)s

On this episode we’ll share some tips for 501(c)(4) organizations, those nonprofits the IRS calls Advocacy or Social Welfare Organizations. Whether your public charity has an affiliated 501(c)(4) or you work for a stand-alone 501(c)(4), these nonprofits must provide the IRS and the public with their financial and programmatic information annually. And we’re going to talk about how c4s can comply with the IRS requirements, some of the new developments that allow for protection of donor disclosure, and some of the information we, the public, can glean from these reports. 


Attorneys for this episode:  Quyen Tu, Tim Mooney, and Leslie Barnes 

Key Takeaways: 

  • 501(c)(4) with annual gross revenue over $50,000 must file an information return with the IRS – either a Form 990 or Form 990 EZ. 
  • Starting with FY 2020 annual returns, 501(c)(4) organizations are no longer required to disclose their donors to the IRS or public. 
  • 501(c)(4) organizations must still provide copies of certain financial documents to the public upon request.  
  •  Don’t forget other reporting requirements-state and federal lobbying and campaign finance requirements  
  • These rules apply to 501(c)(5) and 501(c)(6)s as well 


Secrets of Form 990

On this episode of the pod, we’re going to walk you through the types of information you can get from a 990. You’ll hear how that information is helpful to a variety of individuals including: a new Executive Director, board members, the press, staff, job applicants, donors, and more. 

Our Attorneys for this Episode 

  • Jen Powis
  • Leslie Barnes
  • Quyen Tu 


  • Why nonprofits are required to publicly disclose certain legal and financial information. 
  • The different kinds of Form 990s including: 
    • Form 990 
    • Form 990 EZ 
    • Form 990-N 
    • Form 990-PF 


  • When are Form 990s due? 
  • What are the penalties and fines for not filing?   
  • What can you find in a 990? 
    • Identity, Tax Status, and Tax Year 
    • How Much Income Did the Filer Receive and From What Sources? 
    • How Did the Filer’s Total Expenses Break Down?  
    • What Can You Tell from Net Assets? 


  • Number of employees and board members, organization’s website, and EIN  
  • What Kinds of Programs Does the Filer Run and How Much Does It Spend on Them? 
  • Good Governance – Conflict of Interest, Whistleblower, Record Retention and Compensation Policies 
  • Who Are the Filer’s Board Members, Officers, Key Employees, and How Much Does Its Top Staff Get Paid?   
  • Did the Filer Initiate Some New Activity, Change Its Processes for Governing or Engage in Any Excess Benefit Transactions? 
  • Did the Filer Engage in Any Self-Dealing Transactions During the Year?  
  • Does the Filer Lobby? 
  • When nonprofits must provide copies of financial documents to the public 
    • In-person requests 
    • Requests in writing 
  • Charges for copying and mail must be arranged in advance
  • Fines for noncompliance 
  • Filers who share their 990s on their website are not obligated to produce copies upon request 


 As a reminder, this episode is just about the tax filing to the federal government (the 990) at the end of your fiscal year. Each state may also require a nonprofit public charity to file other types of forms, perhaps a copy of the 990, or some other tax filing. So make sure if you’re a staff person that you work with your bookkeeper to understand all the end of the year filings you need to provide.  



2022 Resolutions for Nonprofit Advocates

On this episode, we begin looking forward to 2022 and what is sure to be an exciting year to come. Whether your nonprofit is gearing up for midterm elections, legislative advocacy, or administrative activism, there are several steps you can take to prepare your team NOW. That is why we present you with our TOP 10 nonprofit New Year’s Resolutions. 


Our Attorneys for This Episode: 

Natalie Ossenfort  Tim Mooney  Leslie Barnes 


Show Notes: 

  1. Schedule your election season advocacy training now. While midterm elections happen later in the year, candidates are launching their campaigns, and primary election season is gearing up. Make sure your staff is ready by training them on how your nonprofit can engage with candidates and voters while remaining in compliance with state and federal law. 
  2. Make sure you have an election season policy, and have your staff and Board members review and sign it. Many nonprofits are perfectly situated to get out the vote and pursue important policy agendas, but these activities can trigger conversations that implicate nonprofit election season advocacy rules. By having a policy (and sticking to it), you create a layer of protection for your organization as it confidently moves into 2022. 
  3. Build in accountability advocacy for your (c)(3) or (c)(4) for year-round effectiveness. Nonprofits can hold their elected officials accountable for how they serve their constituents. There are a variety of activities in which nonprofits may engage to remind legislators and elected officials that their issues matter, educate constituents about officials’ positions and actions, and demonstrate to officials that their votes will not go unnoticed. 
  4. Have a 501(c)(3) and a 501(c)(4)? Get set up to grant unused lobbying capacity from the (c)(3) to the (c)(4) at the end of the year with our brand-new guide – Maximizing Your Advocacy! Why? Lobbying can count as one of a (c)(4)’s primary purpose activities, helping it to maintain the required balance between nonpartisan and partisan (secondary activity) work. 
  5. Prepare to educate candidates and political parties on your issues. An election year is a perfect time to capitalize on any heightened interest people have in the issues important to your communities. While 501(c)(3)s cannot provide singular research, strategy, or support to one candidate or political party, they can use this opportunity to educate candidates in a nonpartisan manner and even influence candidate and political party platforms.  
  6. Resolve to support democracy in 2022. The IRS permits 501(c)(3) nonprofits to engage in charitable activities, including nonpartisan activities that support democracy, expand the electorate, & encourage civic engagement provided the activities further the organization’s mission. Determine if your state’s election laws have changed for registering or voting, and build voter education and outreach into your advocacy work. 
  7. Make plans to brush up on your knowledge of state lobbyist registration and campaign finance reporting requirements. Depending on what level of government you are working to impact, you may trigger reporting requirements at the local, state or federal levels. These laws could require you to track both your administrative and legislative activities and any expenditures you make on ballot measure campaigns (in addition to independent expenditures if you happen to be a (c)(4) working to influence candidate elections). Luckily, we have a wealth of state law resources on our website including a NEW practical guidance lobbying series. 
  8. Take stock of your capacity to engage in advocacy, and embrace your strengths (and weaknesses) as an organization to maximize your impact at the legislature and beyond. Where should you start? Our Advocacy Capacity Tool is a good place to begin. By evaluating your goals, plans, strategies, partnerships/networks, operations, and more, your nonprofit can put itself in the best position for advocacy success. 
  9. Get social! (on social media that is). Social media offers nonprofits an opportunity to amplify their advocacy to reach communities far and wide. Whether your organization is building its presence on IG, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, or elsewhere, make use of online advocacy as a tool to expand your supporter base and activate public policy campaigns. Just remember that tax code nonprofit advocacy rules will still apply, and check out our guide to Public Policy in the Digital Age to remain in compliance. 
  10. Take time for yourself. Just because you work for a nonprofit or serve on a nonprofit Board, that doesn’t mean that you can’t step away from time to time to re-center and engage in the activities that bring you happiness and joy. Just like the last couple of years, 2022 is almost certain to bring with it its own unique set of challenges. Stay focused, stay diligent, but also keep motivated by taking time for YOU. 




Accountability Advocacy for 501(c)(3)s 

Accountability Advocacy for 501(c)(4)s 

Is It (c)(3) Compliant? – Decision tree for election-year activity 

Advocacy Capacity Tool 

Maximizing Your Advocacy: 8 Steps for Granting Unused Lobbying Capacity from a 501(c)(3) to an Affiliated 501(c)(4) 

Maximizing Your Advocacy Supporting Documents  

Public Policy in the Digital Age: The Law of Online Lobbying & Election-related Activities 

Sample 501(c)(3) Organizational Policy for Election Season 

2021 Nonprofit Advocacy Successes

On this episode, we’ll take time to reflect on what was a very exciting year for nonprofit advocates. Across the United States, nonprofits organized, formed coalitions, and mobilized communities to advance the goals of equity, justice, and equal rights for all. This episode will highlight some of their success stories and set a celebratory stage for the new year to come.  

Our Attorneys for this Episode  

Natalie Ossenfort   Quyen Tu   Tim Mooney   

Show Notes 

    • In 2021, nonprofit members of California’s Health4All Coalition successfully shepherded in the passage of “Health for All Seniors.”   
    • In September, a nonprofit coalition and several community activists convinced the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to begin the process of phasing out oil drilling in unincorporated L.A. County.  
    • AFJ/BA helped NPs pass a bill to prevent police from blocking journalists covering protests and demonstrations. 
  • TEXAS 
    • Nonprofits across the state joined forces to successfully advocate for legislation that expands postpartum Medicaid coverage to six months (instead of two). The organizations plan to continue the fight in 2022 expand the law even further. 
    • Advocates at the New York Transgender Advocacy Group and their coalition partners scored a big win by convincing lawmakers to repeal a law that prohibited loitering for the purpose of engaging in prostitution. 
    • Just a few days ago, the New York City Council approved a massive expansion of voting rights, which will allow non-citizen residents to vote in municipal elections.  
    • In June, nonprofit advocates in Vermont celebrated when the Governor signed into law a bill that expands voting rights by requiring that all registered voters in the state receive mail-in ballots. That same month saw a similar win in Nevada.  
    • The Women’s Foundation of Colorado threw its support behind several successful bills.  
    • Record number of federal judges have been confirmed,rebalancing the judiciary to more properly reflect the diversity of our country. 


Public Charities Can Lobby  Being a Player: A Guide to the IRS Lobbying Regulations for Advocacy Charities